Design Token Generator
Create a complete set of design tokens based on your brand colors and preferences. Customize colors, typography, spacing, and more, then export to your preferred format.
Color Tokens
Set your primary brand color to generate a complete color palette
Typography Tokens
Define your typography system
Spacing & Radius
Define spacing scale and border radius
All spacing values will be multiples of this base unit
Color Palette Preview
Generated color palette based on your primary color
Generating palette...
Typography Preview
Preview your typography settings
Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 3
Heading 4
This is body text. It should be readable and comfortable for longer passages of text. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
This is small text, useful for captions and secondary information.
Spacing & Radius Preview
Preview your spacing scale and border radius
Export Tokens
Export your design tokens in different formats
Tips & Tricks
Pro Tip
Color Harmony
We use color theory to generate complementary and analogous colors that work well together.
Spacing Scale
Using a consistent spacing scale based on a single unit creates visual rhythm in your designs.
Font Pairing
For best results, pair a distinctive heading font with a highly readable body font.
Next Steps
Export your tokens in your preferred format and integrate them into your project.
Use these tokens consistently across your components to maintain a cohesive design system.
Document your tokens for your team to ensure everyone understands how to use them.